She doesn't bite enough to bleed or even leave marks but she is losing hair in that area. I can't find a reason why she'd be stressed at the moment
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
Something in that area is bothering her.
Could be fleas, an allergic reaction to something, or blocked anal glands.
I'd take her to the vet to find out what it is and what you can do about it.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
maybe she has fleases or a skin rash or worse sorry
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
Fleas cause them to bite.Have her checked out at the vet if she continues.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
that's how she scathes.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
When my cat did that I gave her a bath with flea/tick shampoo and had my yard sprayed with pesticide to kill the bugs. Her hair is grown back and she doesn't itch all the time anymore. You also will need to spray your furniture/carpets with something. Then begin a monthly treatment such as a pill or a spot on.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
Take her to the vets as she is stressed over something or could have a mite in her fur that's causing this, the vet should be able to help you.
Hope this helps.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
I wish I had the answer to this -- my male neuter Somali has plucked the base of his tail and his flanks. My vet has no idea why -- no current stress -- no parasites or skin irritation either. It's a mystery...
If you find out and affect a cure, let me know!
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
Does she have fleas? Sometimes, when my cat gets something stuck in her fur like ketchup when my sister hugged her with when she was little, she would clean her fur by using her teeth as a comb. Cats also do that when their itching, which again could be fleas.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
if it isn't fleas then it could be some allergies...take your cat to the vet.....
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
It might be mange or more likely your cat is allergic to the fles bites he/she is receiving. Visit the vet to get something for the fleas and this will probably do it.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
It might not be stress, she could have fleas, mites or even a bad skin condition.
Take her to the vets asap! She needs treatment.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
my cat once did that too. so maybe it's alergies or it's skin condition but what ever it is it can get very serious so you should really bring it to the vet because if your cat might start bleeding really bad or something and on the ride make sure she doesn't touch her tail. you shouldn't too.
Why is my cat biting her tail and biting the hair off in that area?
just go to has lots info on cat tail biteing ...!
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