Do you think hair gel is responsible for hair loss ?
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
"Experts" say that it is genetic from the guys maternal grandfather... If a guys moms dad is you shall be.
I choose to believe this is not correct since my Maternal Grandfather died at 96...with a full head of hair...shot buy a very jealous husband, while caught in the act with the fore saids wife.
Well since I'm 65% bald.. at age 46.....I blame my condition on."too many U-Turns under the sheets".
It's genetic....grow bald and old gracefully...less wounds and a lot less money better spent on having fun, eating right, exercising and treating the carpet burns on your honeys knees....and your bald skull!
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
No. I think it's genetic.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
Male pattern balding is genetic and usually skips a generation. Therefor if your father has hair but your grandfather on either side is bald... guess what... you have a huge chance of going bald. Just deal with it, the comb over was never cool.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
my husband is 31 and he is start to lose some hair. i think it is from wearing baseball caps all the time.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
no family gene's! I started losing mine at 28 that's when my dad started losing his
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
Yes No
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
probly how many men do you know that really take care of their hair???i know im not one of its probly just genetic...
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
hair care products can influence hair loss, but it is mainly due to hereditary factors.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
If you're a hard worker, it can be from stress. Or it can be genetic!
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
men can predict if they are going to lose their hair if they look at the men in the mother's family (not the dad's!). Did her had and brothers loose their hair? hair loss is more genetic than because of damage.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
its because of gel
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
Because women drive up to pull our hair out................
Smile - just kidding!!!
Or am I?
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
No hair gel isn't. LoL
Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
When a man starts losing hair he should see his doc to find out what is causing his hair lose. Some hair lose is treatable so see a doc if you are losing hair so you know what is causing it.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
i don't know if that is really true because it depends on your genes but maybe it could be that and stress or their diets...i don't mean to stereotype men but most men i know don't have healthy diets.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
Keep your hair long, keep your blood pressure low and drink lots of apple juice (or take iron), and you will always have hair!
Also, use a comb regularly, as it would massage your scalp and promote hair growth.
(and never use hair gel)
"Writing in the May issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, scientists looked at 40 years of research, and found that iron deficiency has a much closer link to hair loss than most doctors realize, and may actually be the answer to restoring hair growth."
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
There are 2 possibilities for hairloss.... (1) genetics (2) stress.. Those are 2 contributing factors.
Why do men lose hair at avery short age ?
Either hereditary or due to lack of vitamins and proteins. Consult a good homoeopath.
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