Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can I help restimulate hair growth on my scalp??

I'm losing's very thin on top. Any suggestions on what I should be doing or eating or not eating for that matter to help my hair?? I've already gone to the doctor and he did a blood test but everything came out normal. So, No help there.

I am a 35 year old woman.

I don't use hairsprays or chemicals on my hair. I also don't smoke and I have cut out drinking any sort of sodas. No coffee either. I have not had a baby recently. I have heard that after giving birth can cause hair loss, but the last time I was pregnant was last year. I ended up having a miscarriage last summer. (2006)

Please give any good suggestions you may have. thanks a lot.

How can I help restimulate hair growth on my scalp??

try vitamin E. it regrows hair.

How can I help restimulate hair growth on my scalp??

Did your blood test include a hormone test as well. Too much testosterone can cause hair loss in a woman. I have very fine hair as well - I did all the tests and my iron levels are normal and testosterone levels are so low it's a joke. is your scalp very greasy because hair loss and greasy scalps go hand in hand. I got no answers honey and I'm 47. all that the Dr concluded was that I was one of several woman with naturally very fine hair. I know this doesn't answer your question but it might help knowing that this a common problem.

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