What the heck is going on? Me AND my baby are losing hair like crazy! I know she's losing hair because of the rubbing (probably), but I never expected to start losing MY hair!! What can I do to stop it from falling out? Is there a vitamin/supplement I can take?
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
Lots of times newborns loose thier hair. All of it not just from rubbing. Your hair loss could be due to the hormonal fluxuations or a nutrient missing in your diet. Contact you doctor or the nurse in his office and ask them to reccommend a suppliment.
To decrease the loss until the suppliment starts helping be very kind to your hair. Brush gently starting at the ends and work your way up instead of starting at the top of the head and ripping down through all the tangles. Also avoid blow drying and curling/straightening irons. If you can wait for your hair to dry naturally before brushing it out. If you hair is not oily and your job doesn't make it overly dirty on a daily basis wash it every other day instead of every day. If you can afford it get some good shampoo. I reccommend soya system. If you can't find a salon that carries it you can order it online. Just word search soya system. If your hair continues to fall out you might want to make an appointment with your doctor to see if there is something else causing the hair loss. Good luck
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
It's probably because of the hormone changes you are goign through. You should talk to your doctor and see what he reccomends or maybe your hair dresser can tell you what to use...
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
you stop losing hair during pregnancy, after delivery the hair you would have lost for the past 9 months starts falling out. It will slow down soon.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
Yes! Go back on your prenatals. They will not hurt you one bit. This is most likely a temporary thing. The babies do tend to lose hair, from rubbing on one spot or whatever.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
There is really nothing you can do. It is caused by hormones. Some people say that you can take certain vitamins, etc, but my OB said it really won't help. My baby is now 6 months old and it is finally starting to slow down--there is much less falling out than there was. Trust me, as much as you think you will, you will not go bald!
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
yes, her hair is probably from laying down all the time on her crib, floor, etc....
as for yours.... do you get it colored? that is usually the culprit. however, if there's no dye or highlights involved, then i would suggest you take good one-a-day, but take it once in the a.m. and once in the p.m. also, check out some extra vitamin E and C to try and help.
good luck!
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
Go see a doctor!! It's not that serious but how would we know about you and your baby losing hair. If you need vitamins, you wouldn't just all of the sudden start losing a ton of hair it would happen over time so you need to ask a doctor!!
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
Its your hormones take some pre-natels for a couple of weeks and it will stop falling out
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
The baby couldn't of caused you to lose hair
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
It's because of all the hormones. I'm going through the same thing. When you're pregnant, you really don't shed any hair, so now I guess, you're making up for it. I thought it was just me, so I talked to some friends. One of my cousins asked me if my hair was falling out yet. It seems like it almost comes out in clumps. It's everywhere...the floor, my clothes, my husband, my son, the entire house has some of my hair just about everywhere. She said that it should stop around 9 or ten months after you have the baby. I've noticed lots of new hair growth as well. As far as what to take, I asked my hairstylist and he said biotin.
As far as the baby, it's normal for their hair to fall out and be replaced with new growth.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
It's totally normal, for both of you.
Your baby is losing hair, as you say, from rubbing. That will stop.
And your hair is falling out (probably in what seems like handfulls) because your hormone levels during your pregnancy kept hair from falling out at the end of its normal "lifespan." Now that you're not pregnant anymore, you're losing that extra hair, plus the hair that's just now reaching that point.
There really isn't anything you can do to stop it. You won't go bald--though it might feel like it!--and the hair loss will slow down soon.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
The same thing happened to me. I was pulling out clumps in the shower. I told my doctor and it was just a hormone thing that did eventually stop. It's really not a bad idea to continue on you or prenatal for a few months after delivery. Be aware to that your hair will grow again. I had some really short wispy hairs around my hairline for about a year until they grew in. As for your baby, they lose hair from birth, some from rubbing. again this is just the hair they are born with and it will later be replaced with new hair. You may notice your baby has less hair at age one than they did at birth. This is completely normal. Rest assure that your hair and your babies will grow again. I would say mine has changed for the better after I went through the regrowing phase.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
During pregnancy you stop losing your hair(you normally loose quite a bit as it is replaced) then when you have your baby it makes up for what you have lost. It won't last too long and you will not go bald ,it is just what you would have normally lost in the 9 months of pregnancy. As for your baby, most babies loose some hair. My son went completely bald after he was born and stayed that way till he was almost two(got a good head of hair now) because babies must be layed on their back to sleep all babies get that bald spot on the back. Once a baby starts rolling a lot then it grows back. There is nothing you can do to stop what you have falling out to look at your hair you won't notice the difference, so ignore that in your brush and drain a rest assured it will stop soon.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
When you are pregnant you lose a lot less hair than you do normally after you have your baby it starts to fall out more quickly than normal. It will get better, you won't go bald. It's just temporary. The baby is probably from rubbing. But my oldest (now 17) lost all his hair when he was 4 months old after being born with a full head of hair, it grew back shortly much lighter than before.
But once your hormones settle down your hair will stop falling out at such an alarming rate. It's normal, your just getting rid of hair you usually would have lost but didn't during the pregnancy.
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
No! I have a 5 month (almost 6 month old) baby and about a month ago mine started falling out in fistfulls. The doctor said its my hormones and that it will eventually stop. Not much you can do about it. Just hope you don't get a halfdollar size bald spot on the front of your head like my friend, Sara. I'm praying I don't get a bald spot like my baby! Ha...;-)
After baby is born- hair falling out!?
OMG if you get a good answer to this let me know. I think I may go bald soon.
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