I am 26 and for about 1yr have been losing hair all over. I first noticed a younger relative having this problem and suggested she be checked thinking it may have been her birth control. Now my daughter and mother in law are also having this prblem. I remember having an extremely itchy scalp at first. I blew it off as just being my nerves. Now my scalp is still mildly itchy and slightly pink in areas nothing real noticable daughter is the same. Noticed small sores were my daughter and mother in law have been scratching I believe...any ideas?!?!?! I have beento the dermatologist only did blood test and gave me proscar to help hair regrow. Again this is all over hair loss and no patches that i know of. Also I am tired a lot and have episodes of light headedness. My mother in law shares these other symptoms also. Stressed about what is going on have been checked for thyroid....please help!!!
Contagious hair loss??
you are old. that is what happens when you get old, you lose your hair.
call that hairclub for men. you'd fit the bill perfectly there. You're a man, right?
Contagious hair loss??
You might want to look into something called Fungus Infection (Ringworm) of the scalp - Caused by a fungus infection, ringworm (which has nothing to do with worms) begins with small patches of scaling that can spread and result in broken hair, redness, swelling, and even oozing. This contagious disease is most common in children and oral medication will cure it. I did a little research for you and the only thing I found that fit your symptoms is this. Follow the link I have posted below I hope that this information helps. Good luck to you and your family I wish you all the best!
Contagious hair loss??
I think you should do some herbal treat ment.
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